When Your Storm Won't Stop | Matthew 22-32

First Baptist Church Powder Springs

Embrace your storms and find miracles in our latest episode, "When Your Storm Won't Stop." Through personal stories and powerful scripture, we delve into the complexities of faith, showcasing how miracles can arise from even the most challenging circumstances. With the backdrop of Jesus walking on water, we discuss the storms of life that test our faith and how we can navigate through doubt by leaning on our spiritual beliefs. Join us as Pastor Chip shares heartfelt testimonies that illustrate the beauty of walking with Jesus through life’s turbulence, along with an open invitation to share your personal miracles. Our community thrives on shared experiences, so let’s come together and support one another as we seek hope and healing amidst life's chaos. Don’t forget to subscribe and share your thoughts!

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Speaker 1:

All right, put your hands together for our Upwards ministry. Thank you so much. Upwards families, thank you, clay, thank you for everyone who served in Upwards, and I want to say a special thanks to Adam Sears, our Upwards director. Put your hands together for Adam and everybody that was involved in all of our Upwards and everything that God has been doing. We are super thankful and God is doing so much. We're so thankful that you're here. We're thankful that you're online. We're thankful for all of our first-time guests in the room and online as well. Can we just give one more special welcome to all of our first-time guests? Put your hands together, man. God is so good and we're thankful that you are a part of us. I want to tell you a couple things going on before I dive into the message this morning. First of all, I want to bring out Raven Adams. Raven, if you're back there, come on out. Give Raven a big round of applause. This is Raven Adams, right here and Raven just super thankful for you. And Raven is. She actually started coming to our church in December of 2023, but able to consistently be here with us serving in our production ministry for the past six months, and Raven has accepted a position with us. She is our online services coordinator. What that means is she does a lot of different things, but what that means is when people go online to watch this service, she'll be engaging them at the beginning of the service, in the middle of the service and at the end of the service, because we wanna do everything we can to engage our community and all of our online community and even people around the world, because it is online that takes the gospel to the nations. Amen. And so put your hands together for raven. Thank you so much, raven, for she completely left me hanging. That's great, all right, completely left me here. She turned around. Um, so, man, god is so good and he's just. He's growing our staff, he's growing our ministry and we just want to say thank you for taking your part in that, also want to let you know that student camp is coming up.

Speaker 1:

Everybody say student camp, student camp is coming up. It's going to be you'll see it on the screen, I believe but it's going to be in July and, man, it's going to be awesome. They're at June sorry, I'm off June 20 through 23. The total cost is $319, but the deposit due today is just 110. So you got some time to save up for that, to pay that. Maybe you're here and you're like I don't have a student, but maybe student camp was big for you in your life and maybe you wanna give and you wanna help a student to go financially who may not have the financial resources to go. We want every student to have the opportunity to go.

Speaker 1:

Everybody say every student. Well, every student calls camp is life-changing and uh man, didn't pastor christian henry do a great job preaching last sunday? And we're so thankful for our student, young adult pastor. In fact, uh, christian and laura had a young adult event at their home last Sunday for all of our young adults and there were 35 to 40 young adults there. So we're just very thankful had Ethan, one of our young adults, baptized this morning. So we're just so thankful for all that God is doing.

Speaker 1:

Let me pray, heavenly Father, we love you, god, you're so good. Heavenly Father, we love you, god, you're so good and, father, we pray in Jesus' name, lord, that your voice would be heard this morning in our hearts Through your word. God, for the glory of Jesus, we pray All by the power of the Holy Spirit. We ask these things in Jesus' name, and all God's people said amen. Open up your Bibles with me to Matthew, chapter 14. Matthew, chapter 14, brand new series, starting today, that we're calling I Need a Miracle. If you need a miracle, would you please raise your hand. You need a miracle in your life, or if you know someone that needs a miracle in their life, my hands up. I need a miracle in my life, in my family. Happy March 2nd. So March 2nd may not mean as much to you as it does to my family.

Speaker 1:

We were in the adoption process March 2nd 2019. We're in the adoption process for two years. We had already, by that time, gone through a lot of rejection. Adoption is really difficult because you're really just at the mercy of those who are your agents and birth moms and all that type stuff and we were already going through about five years of infertility. During that time Two years of our adoption journey we felt like we couldn't have a baby. We couldn't adopt a baby right. It just felt like that nothing was going right. We were honestly experiencing a lot of discouragement. On March 2, this day six years ago, 2019, was the day that we got a phone call from our adoption agent telling us that a birth mom had chosen us. She was gonna give birth to a little girl, which she did a few weeks later, and we named that little girl Brooklyn Rose Dean. And so we're just incredibly thankful for what God has done. That God did a miracle in our life. About six months roll around. We noticed that Brooklyn is not making some physical development milestones and about a year into Brooklyn's life, our family, we received our diagnosis that Brooklyn was. She was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. So we went from having the miracle to again needing the miracle.

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We continued on in our family and really even continued on in our infertility journey. We wanted to have more children and a few years went by and we were not able to. We felt like the Lord was calling us to go through the fertility route and we were praying for the Lord to bless it. We actually had four failed fertility attempts in about a year's time. So we're just wondering, lord, what are you doing, lord? Why are you calling us to go through this difficult journey together? In our fifth and final fertility attempt, our last embryo, we learned as we transferred that embryo into my wife and we were told then at that point we are pregnant. And, sure enough, some eight, nine months later, cruz Richard Dean was born, and so we got to experience another miracle of God. And here he is today. You know he's probably back in the kids' ministry somewhere, tearing it apart or running laps somewhere, if you know. You know, and that's just how our son is, but today he's a little bit speech delayed. So we find ourselves in need of another miracle.

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We continued on in our infertility journey, reached through about nine years and, wouldn't you know it, our first full day in Georgia, when God called us to First Baptist Church, powder Springs, we moved to Georgia our first full day. That morning we close on our home, a three-bedroom home. That afternoon we find out that we're pregnant with our third child, who has now been born, eliana Joy Dean, and she's about nine months old. And so we just kept going through this roller coaster of life of needing a miracle, being given a miracle and needing a miracle again, and that's how life often is. And so I want you to know, if that's where you find yourself, the tension of life, where God has done miracles in your life but yet at the same time you need other miracles that you're not alone. That is often what life is like In fact, as you'll see on the screen.

Speaker 1:

I Need a Miracle. I just want you to see here that we have a series all through this month and there are different miracles that Jesus does. That we're going to be studying Today is the miracle of belief over doubt. Next Sunday. The miracle of freedom over addiction and sin, march 16,. The miracle of provision over our need March 23,. The miracle of healing over sickness disease March 30th. Jesus loves to bring dead things to life and maybe you have something in your life that you just feel like it feels like it's over, but yet you believe that Jesus wants to bring it to life. We see Jesus doing all of these miracles. Out in our lobby we have a and I need a miracle wall. This is your opportunity to write down the miracle that you or someone else needs in their life, writing it down as a prayer request, and it's all going to culminate to Sunday, march the 30th, and we're going to have a worship and prayer night in here at five o'clock the last Sunday in March and we're going to pray over all of these prayer requests so that we can see God work, so that God can do what only that he can do in our lives. Kind of get an amen.

Speaker 1:

So here's what I wanna talk to you about this morning. From Matthew, chapter 14. I wanna tell you this morning about a sermon that I've entitled when your Storm Won't Stop. When your storm won't stop, because often you need a miracle when there is a struggle in your life, when you are going through a storm the top 10 storms in people's lives or when you've received a diagnosis, or maybe you're going through loneliness, maybe you're experiencing grief, you're going through marital issues or you want to get married. You're going through parenting issues, or maybe you want to be a parent. You're going through relational issues in your life, brokenness. You're going through financial issues, you're going through spiritual issues, or maybe you're experiencing some mental issues in your life, or you just have a huge decision to make and you are not sure what to do. I want you to know that if you are going through a storm, you are not alone. My family, you are going through a storm. You are not alone, my family, we are going through a storm right now. My guess is you're probably going through a storm right now, or you're coming out of one or you're about to go into one. And aren't you thankful that God put a scripture in his word, a story of a physical, literal storm, that we get to see what Jesus does in the middle of our storms.

Speaker 1:

Let's check it out. Look at Matthew, chapter 14, verse 22. It says this Matthew, chapter 14, verse 22 says immediately. Everyone say immediately. It says immediately he Jesus, he made the disciples to get into the boat and to go before him to the other side while he dismissed the crowds. And after Jesus had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. And when evening came he was there alone.

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Let me explain this passage. Jesus had actually just done a miracle, the miracle of feeding the 5,000. The miracle went so well that all of the crowd wanted to crown Jesus king. But Jesus knew it wasn't the crown for the crowd to give him, wasn't there right? He wanted to get the crown from his father, god the father, and he knew the crown had to come through crucifixion, not through popularity. So what does Jesus do? Jesus gets his disciples out of there. He tells them why don't y'all get in the boat, go on the other side of the lake, I'll go and join you, I gotta go pray. And why was Jesus doing this? Because he did not want his disciples to think that following Jesus was always popular, that following Jesus would make you famous. He didn't want his disciples to think that following him was always easy or even always comfortable, so he got them out of that environment. Jesus dispersed the crowds and Jesus went up on the mountain to pray.

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Can I just remind you this morning one of the most powerful things that you can do in your life as the scripture says, immediately, immediately, he made the disciples for you to do what Jesus tells you to do One of the most powerful things that you can do today, when you need a miracle, is to get by yourself and pray and spend time with God, that you draw closer to him. That's exactly what we see Jesus doing. In fact, I want you to understand that God will always keep something in your life. God will always keep something. You'll see it up here on the screen God will always keep something in your life that will keep you on your knees. You might be wondering God, why does this keep happening to me? Why do I keep going through this, god? Why won't my storms stop? Why won't my storms stop? Because God, he'll always keep something in your life to keep you on your knees, because God loves it when we stay close and when we're doing well and everything's easy and everything's fine. We don't typically pursue God when you and when I. We typically pursue God is when we are going through the greatest struggles in our life.

Speaker 1:

Look at verse 24. Verse 24 of Matthew, chapter here we go. 14 says but the boat by this time was a long way from land, beaten by the waves, for the wind was against them. So Jesus sends them out on a boat into this lake. This lake was about five miles wide right and it says that Jesus sent them out and they were a long way. They could have been in the middle of this lake, some two and a half miles from land on either side. So there they are, all the way out, and the Bible says the storm comes up and it says that the boat is being beaten by the waves.

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That Greek word is actually also translated other places in the Bible as tormented is actually also translated other places in the Bible as tormented. It's actually a word of what Satan does to believers. In other words, what we see here in this storm, what is really happening is that Satan is working against the disciples and Satan is trying to get them to stop believing in Jesus. Satan is trying to get them to stop following Jesus. Satan is trying to get them to take their eyes off of Jesus. And that's exactly what Satan's trying to do in your storm and in my storm. What he wants us to do is he wants us to get mad, he wants us to get angry, he wants us to get hopeless, he wants us to feel defeated, he wants us to feel discouraged, like Jesus isn't there.

Speaker 1:

You'll see a picture on the screen just of what it would look like to be on the boat in this storm. Right, there was no cameras back then. So this is AI, here we go, right here, ai, right. And so what would it look like for these disciples to be out in the middle of a lake? I don't know what the rocks are doing there, but who knows? But there they are, in the middle of the storm. And in there, but who knows? But there they are in the middle of the storm. And here's what we have to understand here.

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As you'll see the quote on the screen is that even when you do what Jesus commands you to do, you will still go through storms, because these disciples have got to be thinking wait a second, didn't Jesus? Wasn't Jesus the one that called us to get in the boat to go across the lake? And isn't Jesus omniscient? Doesn't Jesus know all things? So wait, if Jesus told us to get in the boat and to go across the lake, before him without him. It sure must be nice to be Jesus. He's on the side of a mountain somewhere, praying all by himself in peace. But here we are in the middle of a lake. Now there are some times in your life that you will do exactly what Jesus told you to do, and it will still take you through the greatest storm of your life.

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Just because you do what Jesus tells you to do does not mean that everything's gonna go easy, does not mean that everything is gonna be good. Why? Because Jesus said in John 16, 33, he said I have said these things to you that in me, everybody say me, that is Jesus in me. In me, you may have peace. Where is peace? Peace is not gonna be in your life. Peace is not just gonna be in your heart. Peace is not gonna be in your life. Peace is not just gonna be in your heart. Peace is not gonna be in your circumstances. Peace is not gonna be found in your surroundings. Peace is not gonna be anywhere else than in Jesus. I've said these things to you that in me you may have peace In the world. You will have tribulation, but take heart, jesus said. I have overcome the world. Jesus is saying that you may never have peace in life in your surroundings, but you will always have peace in life in your Savior. That is where you find your peace.

Speaker 1:

Verse 25 goes on to say in Matthew, chapter 14, he says and in the fourth watch of the night, jesus came to them walking on the sea. In the fourth watch of the night, jesus came to them walking on the sea. But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were terrified and said it's a ghost. They cried out in fear, but immediately Jesus spoke to them saying take heart, it is, I do not be afraid. The fourth watch of the night would be between 3 am and 6 am, which means they may have even been on this lake battling this storm, rowing to save their very lives for maybe even upwards of about nine hours.

Speaker 1:

Can you imagine how exhausted they must feel? Can you imagine how tired they are, how mentally challenging this is? Can you imagine how hopeless they might feel. They are, life threatened by their storm. And maybe you come here today and you feel like you're in the fourth watch of your night. Maybe you feel like you don't have anything left, you don't have anything to offer. Maybe you feel like that your struggle is too great. Maybe you're starting to wonder if you are even going to make it. It says that while they're in the fourth watch or in the last hour. In other words, it doesn't look like that they are going to make it. That what happens? Jesus came to them. Everyone say Jesus, aren't you thankful that Jesus steps into your storm? Aren't you thankful that when you have Jesus, that Jesus always has you?

Speaker 1:

The Bible says that he came to them and he was walking on the sea, the very sea that was threatening to kill them. Jesus walks off the mountain into the sea, walks somewhere around two to three miles on top of the stormy, raging waves of the sea, and Jesus does not have a worry or a fear in the world. Why? Because Jesus made the sea. Can I get an amen? He was the master of the sea.

Speaker 1:

So Jesus walks out to them and as he does, they can't even imagine what they're seeing. They're seeing someone walking on the water. They're thinking we've got storm, we've got waves, we've got rain, we're going to die. And now the evil spirits are coming to torment us. Does anybody see this besides me? They're wondering are we hallucinating? And it says all they can do is cry out in fear. And sometimes that's where we find our lives. We go through so much that all we can do we just break down in tears and we just burst out crying.

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But Jesus steps in. Jesus walks to us and Jesus says take heart, which means be of good courage. He says it is I. Did you know those three little words? It is I is the very same exact phrase ego eimi, which in Greek is Jesus is saying take heart. He says I am. Remember, just a few weeks ago. Jesus says I am. Jesus says that he is the light. Jesus says that he is the door. Jesus says that he is the bread. Jesus says he's the vine. Jesus says he's the way, the truth and the life. Jesus says he is the resurrection and the life.

Speaker 1:

But you would think, because you've heard other stories in God's word, that Jesus would walk up to the boat and Jesus would just say peace, be still. But he doesn't. Why doesn't he do that for them? Why doesn't he do that for you? Why doesn't he do that for me as we're going through our storm? Because he said that in other places. He said it in Matthew 8, in Mark 4, verse 39,. Jesus simply says peace, be still. And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. Why doesn't Jesus walk into this storm? And why doesn't Jesus walk into your storm? And why doesn't he walk into my storm? And why doesn't he walk into every storm? And why doesn't he walk into every storm and just say peace, be still. Here's why, and you'll see it on the screen Because walking with Jesus through your storm. Go and put that up there. For me, walking with Jesus through your storm is better than a life of peace without him. Walking with Jesus through your storm. If Jesus just stilled every storm and calmed every chaos and stopped every struggle, then we would not have to seek after him, then we would not pursue him. So we're called to walk with Jesus, verse 28,.

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He goes on to say in Matthew 14, and Peter answered him. So here comes Jesus walking up on the water, disciples in the boat, and Peter answered him and said Lord, if it is, you, command me to come to you on the water. Jesus said come. So Peter got out of the boat, he walked on the water and he came to Jesus. I love this. Peter was so honest.

Speaker 1:

He said, lord, if, notice how that is a statement of faith and doubt together. Lord, if Lord, lord meaning Jesus, you are Lord, you are master, you are God, you are in control of everything. Lord, if, if is a word of doubt, if is a word of question, if is a word of question, if is a word of uncertainty. And so Peter is saying, lord, if it is, you, command me to come to you on the water. In other words, peter is struggling simultaneously with belief and doubt, just like I do, just like your pastor does, just like I do, just like your pastor does, just like you do, every single one of us. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you have faith in him, but you still struggle with doubt. You need to hear me tell you this morning that the presence of doubt in your life does not mean the absence of faith that even Peter struggled in this moment. Lord, if it is you and maybe this is the prayer you need to pray to Jesus he said command me to come to you on the water. In other words, maybe you're just struggling right now so much and you're not even certain in your life that Jesus is there. Maybe you just need to pray Jesus. If you're there, command me to come to you, jesus. I don't even have what I feel like, what it takes to even get to you Jesus. Would you just command me to come to you? And this is what Jesus answers every time come. He answers come. We all struggle with this.

Speaker 1:

Mark, chapter 9, verse 24, says I believe. A man said I believe, so help my unbelief. You may be a believer this morning you're saying I believe, but, man, I'm really struggling with unbelief, doubt, questions, hurt, struggle. And what does Jesus says? He just says come to me. So what did Peter do? He got out of the boat, he walked on the water, he came to Jesus. What will it take for you to go to Jesus? What will it take for you to come to Jesus? Hear me this morning to get out of your boat.

Speaker 1:

Jesus had to get out of the boat to get to Jesus. Peter had to get out of that boat to get to Jesus. What boat do you need to get out of today to get to Jesus. Is it your boat of fear? Is it your boat of you need the control? Is it your boat of you feel like a victim here? Is it your boat of hopelessness? Is it your boat of discouragement? Is it your boat of being defeated? Is it your boat of being depressed? What is it that you need to step out of in order to step toward Jesus? Because Jesus is telling you this morning come, we've got a family here in our church. I believe they're here this morning.

Speaker 1:

They were sharing their story with me, as we are encouraging you to share your stories with us through this series, and they said they were. God had given them a son who was due to be born on May 12. But there were some complications, there were some unfortunate issues and that little boy was stillborn on January 13th of 2024. They wrote me their story and the wife, the mom, wrote these words. She said the following month that she had lost her son.

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She said she was sitting on Rosemary Beach in Florida in the evening. She said I walked outside and there was a newly postpartum mom. I'm sorry as she was a newly postpartum mom. She said she was without her baby to hold. She said I walked outside and I saw a couple taking maternity photos and I was so angry that God would do that to me so soon, because he knew that being a mom was my dream.

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She said my husband encouraged me to share what I was feeling with God. So she said she did. She said in her heart to God God, why did you do this to me? You know this was my dream. This feels cruel. What's the point of this? And as gently and calmly she said as directly as she had ever heard God speak to her. God said because I'm using this to teach you how to come to me. She said the answer didn't fully satisfy me at the time. She said little did I know that. It was the beginning of a journey of discovering how to come to God with anything on her heart, especially the less than pleasant parts. She said, and little did she know at the time that she would come to see and know how God provides through the storm. She wrote last week. And here I am, one year later, sitting on a beach in St Augustine, florida now carrying our sweet daughter, and we are having our maternity photo shoot tomorrow. Amazing how God works in our life when we come to him, when we seek him. I wanna remind you that, as you'll see it on the screen, as Jesus walks with you through your storm, walk with him, as Jesus walks with you through your storm walk with him. In closing, let me share with you these final verses, verse 30.

Speaker 1:

But when Peter saw the wind, as Peter got out of the boat, when he saw the wind, he was afraid and beginning to sink. He cried out Lord, save me. Peter gets out of the boat, he starts walking towards Jesus. He's walking on the water. His eyes are fixed on Jesus. He was a fisherman. For the first time in his life, the water is firm underneath his feet and, as he's laser locked in his sight on Jesus, he starts to see the winds and the waves around him and he starts to sink into the water.

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As Michael mentioned earlier, he had a sinking feeling of doubt. That's what happens when I, when you, when we take our eyes off Jesus and put our eyes back on all of the things surrounding us, all of the storm that is chaotic, all around us, and we start to sink in doubt and notice how Jesus did not say yeah, peter, you are sinking. I told you to keep your eyes on me. I'm the one that told you to get out of the boat. What are you doing, focusing on the winds and the waves? I'm the master of the seas. You go ahead and sink. Right now. Let me teach you a good lesson to see what it's like to live without me. Big Peter, what do you think now? What does Peter do? What does Jesus do? Immediately, everyone say immediately.

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Jesus reaches out his hand and he took hold of Peter saying oh you of little faith. Why did you doubt? I need you to see this morning. Jesus did not look at Peter and say he did not say oh you of no faith. He said oh you of little faith. He said oh you of little faith. Remember, elsewhere Jesus told us that if we only have the faith of a mustard seed, we can move mountains. Jesus is saying you can both simultaneously have faith and doubt, but every doubt is our evidence is where we do not have faith in that area of our life. In other words, I just want you to see this statement on the screen your faith will always be mixed with doubt. So never quit crying out.

Speaker 1:

Peter cried out Lord, save me. That's not just a prayer of when you need to be saved from your sin for eternity. We pray that to be saved, but we also pray it when you are saved. God save me in my situation. God save me in my storm. God save me so I can. Jesus, I just want to walk with you, even when he doesn't still the storm, when your storm won't stop. It's even better that you continue to walk with Jesus. In verse 32, and we're done.

Speaker 1:

And when they got into the boat, jesus and Peter get into the boat is when the wind ceased. The Bible never promises that all of your storms will stop in this life, but, hear me, the Bible promises that every storm will cease in eternal life. When you get to heaven and when you're with Jesus, every storm will be stopped, every storm will be ceased. And it says and those in the boat worshiped him, worshiped Jesus, saying truly, you are the son of God. Let me point a couple of things out, and I'm done. First of all, those in the boat. Did you know that historians tell us that typically in these boats it would not just be the disciples, there would also be sailors. There would also be sailors, there would also be passengers. In other words, they saw everything While Jesus came off the mountain across the water to the boat of the disciples. They saw Peter get out of the boat. They saw Peter walk on the water. They saw Peter sink. They saw Jesus save him. They saw all of this happen within this storm.

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Here's the deal is that people are watching how you respond in your storm and God uses us when we worship in the middle of our storm. In other words, you'll see it on the screen. When you worship Jesus in your storm, others watching can worship him in theirs. You're not alone and I'm not alone, and I think a daily conversation you can have this week with people is simply how are you doing? What are you going through? What's your greatest struggle right now? What's your biggest difficulty? And listen and let them be honest and then you can share with them the storm that you're going through and you can worship Jesus and you can tell them how Jesus is walking with you and how you're walking with Jesus even through your storm, even when your storm won't stop. Because they worshiped him, saying Jesus truly, you are the son of God, because that's what real faith is believing that Jesus truly is the son of God.

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Why did Jesus do this? Jesus wanted them to see him walk across the waters of the sea, wanted them to see him. Call Peter out of the boat. Peter walking, peter sinking. Jesus saving Peter again. Why? So that when Jesus is crucified on the cross and when he raises from the dead, they can say no, I've seen him. He walked on water. He called another man to walk on water. He saved him. When he raises from the dead, he can be your savior too. Can I ask every head to be bowed and every eye to be closed? Every head bowed, every eye closed.

Speaker 1:

Maybe you're here this morning and you're thinking I'm going through a storm. My storm won't stop. I need to walk with Jesus. Maybe you just need to cry out to Jesus this morning and just say Jesus, save me, jesus, command me out of my boat, command me to come to you, and Jesus, I'll come to you. Maybe you're here this morning and you've never given your life to Jesus. And right here, right now, is your opportunity that he will save you.

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And the Bible says when he saves you, he forgives you of all of your sin. The Bible says when he saves you, he gives you his Holy Spirit. The Bible says when he saves you, you've got a home in heaven forever. The Bible says when he saves you, you've got a home in heaven forever. The Bible says when he saves you, he is with you all of your days. So right here, right now, I can't say this prayer for you and I can't save you. But you can pray this prayer and God will save you.

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You can pray and you can say dear Jesus, I believe in you and Jesus, I need you From your own heart and your own words. You can say dear Jesus, I believe in you and Jesus, I need you From your own heart and your own words. You can say, jesus, I believe that you truly are the son of God. You can say, jesus, I believe that you died on the cross for my sin and I ask you to forgive me of all my sin. You can say, jesus, I believe that you rose from the dead, you're alive and I, I believe that you rose from the dead, you're alive and I give my life to you and I want to live for you. And you can call on him to be the Lord of your life. Jesus, be my Lord, because the Bible says if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe with your heart that God raised him from the dead. You will be saved, jesus. We believe that.

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We pray that all in your name, in Jesus' name, and all God's people said put your hands together right now. For anybody who prayed that prayer. We're so thankful, so grateful. We just wanna say welcome to the family and right now I'm gonna ask us all just to stand up. Just to stand up right now.

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And if that was you Right now, I'm gonna ask us all just to stand up, just to stand up right now. And if that was you, we've got that next step card in front of you that you can fill that out. Let us know that you have given your life to Jesus or any other decision on there. Maybe you need to be baptized, like Ethan. Maybe you need to join a group. Maybe you wanna join the church. Maybe you wanna serve in some way. I just wanna encourage you immediately obey Jesus in whatever it is that he is calling you to do. Heavenly Father, we love you and God, we pray in Jesus' name that you would just bless this final moment of worship together and God, we worship Jesus right now, even in the middle of our storm, because Jesus truly is the son of God. In him we find our peace. In Jesus' name and all God's people said