The 7 “I AM” Statements of Jesus | Exodus 3:14

First Baptist Church Powder Springs Season 2025

What if you could experience a deeper spiritual connection that transforms your life? In our latest episode, we promise to guide you on a journey of faith and discovery at First Baptist Church Powder Springs. We're thrilled to share our church's recent growth, highlighting the surge in new members and baptisms, and the incredible impact your generosity has on local and international missions. Plus, get ready for Jersey Sunday, a fun-filled celebration of unity and faith that feels like a spiritual Super Bowl, complete with a special First Baptist Church jersey symbolizing our collective commitment to mission work.

Explore the timeless wisdom of the seven "I am" statements of Jesus, where each statement offers a transformative insight into His divine nature and addresses the fundamental needs of humanity. We'll unravel the profound connection between Jesus's declarations and the eternal, unchanging nature of God, tracing them back to Moses's encounter with God in Exodus. These insights illuminate how understanding Jesus as the "I am" can liberate us from life's burdens, offering a perspective that promises spiritual freedom and fulfillment.

Join us as we celebrate Jesus as the cornerstone of our existence, recognizing His roles as the light of the world, the good shepherd, and the resurrection. We'll reflect on His power to nourish and guide us, urging our listeners to cultivate a personal relationship with Him as the source of truth and sustenance. Our heartfelt conversation invites you to embrace this transformative faith, share it with others, and join in a collective expression of love and worship through song. Experience the joy and empowerment that comes from recognizing Jesus's profound impact on our lives.

Thanks for listening! Find us on Instagram or visit our Website.

Speaker 1:

Well, good morning. Welcome to First Baptist Church, powder Springs. Put your hands together if you're excited to be in church this morning, man, it sure is good to see everybody. Thank you for being here, out of all the places you could be, that you followed God here, because we believe that he brought you here. We believe he's got a word for you this morning from his word. If you're online, we just want to say thank you for tuning in, because we believe that God's got a word for you this morning too, and it's been great to meet so many of our first-time guests this morning.

Speaker 1:

Can we put our hands together for our first-time guests one more time? Just the way that we get to welcome them, the way that we get to love on them, and we are just so thankful we get to be just in the part of a little revival right now. It's like a page out of the book of Acts. This is just last Sunday, with our Next Step cards and even our Next Step lunch. Last Sunday, over 25 people told us that they wanted to join our church, become members here. Five people said they wanted to be baptized and two people got saved and gave their life to Jesus. Put your hands together for all that God is doing, all that God is doing, man, we are so thankful. We'd love to say that, man, we are not about numbers here. We're not about numbers, but every number represents a name, every name represents a life and every life represents an eternity. So we believe that this isn't numbers, this is people. Can I get an amen? That's what we believe that God wants to do. Also, we talk about a lot of things that God is doing. We only do what I'm about to do only one time a year. Only one time a year, because we believe that this is what God loves to do through you. I just wanna show you how God used you to give generously last year.

Speaker 1:

Last year, our budget was $2,358,977. Last year, you gave to our budget $2,652,555. To our Annie Armstrong offering, which is to take the gospel to all of North America. You gave $14,525. Lottie Moon, our goal was $100,000, which is taking the gospel literally, to the nations of the world. You gave $109,663. You also gave just to reach people in the Powder Springs, cobb County, paulding County, the counties surrounding us, in local mission $20,493, which means total 2024 given. You gave $2,797,996. Put your hands together for all that God is doing through you and that's what we believe.

Speaker 1:

We believe again, these aren't just pennies, these aren't just dollars, these are. Every dollar is an opportunity, because every dollar is used in some way, shape or form to reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. And we never force anybody, we never twist arms, we never guilt, we never shame. We just say what the word of God says is that you just be a cheerful giver and you just give whatever the Lord lays on your heart. If you believe that, say yeah, here we go. I just wanna say to everybody happy Super Bowl Sunday.

Speaker 1:

How many of y'all are wearing a jersey, your favorite team shirt? Raise your hand, let's go. The church is the only place that Georgia and Florida and Tennessee and Alabama and Auburn and Georgia Tech and all these different SEC ACC teams can get together and we like each other. Amen, and we actually like each other. So how many of y'all tonight are going for the Philadelphia Eagles? You're going for the Eagles tonight? Raise your hand. I think about seven out of the Eagles are Georgia Bulldogs. I think six or seven are Alabama, former Alabama players. So if you're for the Eagles, we just say roll dogs, roll dogs. There we go. How many of y'all are going for the Kansas City Swifties tonight? Raise your hand if you're a big Taylor Swift fan. There we go. There we go. We know the Eagles are playing against the NFL the refs tonight. We all know that. Just kidding, just kidding. We'll see if they three-peat tonight the Kansas City Chiefs, We'll see what happens.

Speaker 1:

But welcome, this is our Jersey Sunday. We do this one time a year, and one thing that God just laid on our heart is we wanted to make our own First Baptist Church Powder Springs jersey. So we did it and we put 99 on it. Why? Because we believe that Jesus left the 99 to find me and Jesus left the 99 to find you, and we're all a part of one team. We're all a part of Team Jesus. Can I get an amen? We're all a part of Team Jesus together, and so I want you to know this week you can pre-order your own First Baptist Church Powder Springs jersey If you would like one. We're only offering pre-order sales this week. From what I understand, I think they're just 50 bucks cheapest jersey you'll ever buy. But we're not making any money off of them. We're just charging what they cost. So we'd love for you to. You can go online fbcpsorg slash jersey or the QR code. It'll be on our social media, it'll be on our website. Whatever, we would love for you to get one and to be a part of all that.

Speaker 1:

And why are we doing it? Because we believe the focus that God has given us this year, our 2025 focus, is that we would develop our people and develop our ministries for local and global mission. In other words, that God would use you and that God would use me, that God would use us so that other people can come to know Jesus like we've come to know Jesus. If you believe that, say yeah, and that's what we want for God to do. Let's pray and we'll dive in God's word. Heavenly Father, we love you and God. We, just as we love to pray every Sunday, god, we just proclaim that we are your people, god, that this is your word and Father, that you are our God and God, that we want your work because we are your church and God. We, we want your work because we are your church and God. We want your will to be done so that your glory can come. God, we love you and we pray All these things in Jesus' name, and all God's people said, and all God's people said Amen, here we go.

Speaker 1:

How many of y'all have ever heard of the seven wonders of the world? We all heard of the seven wonders of the world before. Did you know that these are the seven, what they would call the seven ancient wonders of the world? The Great Pyramid of Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Statue of Zeus, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the Mausoleum, the Colossus, the Lighthouse at Alexandria. These are all of the seven ancient wonders of the world. Only one of them actually still exists, that's the Great Pyramid, and even some others were even debated whether or not they really existed, like the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. They got back together in 2007 because all of the other ones were destroyed besides the pyramid. And now, in 2007, they said here are the new seven wonders of the world the Great Wall of China, petra in Jordan, christ the Redeemer in Brazil, machu Picchu which is just fun to say in Peru, chichen Itza in Mexico, the Roman Coliseum in Italy and the Taj Mahal in India. Took me all week to learn those. So there you go. Those are the new, modern seven wonders of the world.

Speaker 1:

Now, isn't it interesting that, out of the ancient seven wonders of the world, only one of them still exist, and out of the modern, there was a day that none of them existed. In other words, often what the world calls wonderful is not eternal. Often what the world calls wonderful is not eternal. See, the world loves to see things that human hands have made, but when we worship what human hands make, then we don't worship what is eternal, what only God can make out of his power. And so what I want us to see this morning is a better list of seven than the seven wonders of the world. In fact, there are a lot of things that are in list of seven. You ever thought about this? There are seven continents on the earth. There are seven days of creation, seven continents on the earth. There are seven days of creation seven days in every week. There are seven colors in every rainbow. There's only seven musical notes in the musical scale. Snow White had seven dwarfs and Taco Bell had a seven layer burrito amen. So there's a lot of sevens.

Speaker 1:

When you score a touchdown, get an extra point. You get seven points. But this morning, what I want to talk to you about is from the series that we're calling the Red Letters. We're talking about it all month long, all February, what Jesus really said, what Jesus really taught. Do we understand what Jesus really said? Do you understand what Jesus really meant by what he said? This morning I wanna show you what we see in God's word that's called the seven I am statements of Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Everybody say seven, the seven I am statements of Jesus. Jesus made these seven statements, beginning with I am, that are absolutely life-changing. Why are they life-changing? They're life-changing because just those seven I am statements tell you everything you need to know about Jesus and they also answer the seven biggest needs in your life today and throughout all of your life. In fact, those seven I am statements from Jesus they basically boil down to because Jesus is the I am, you don't have to try to be. You're free from trying to be. You're free from trying to be everything in your own life. You're free from trying to be everything in everybody else's life, because you can't do it. Jesus is the I am because you are the I'm, not because I am the I'm not. So where did these seven I am statements even come from?

Speaker 1:

The first time we see that God used the name I am was in Exodus, chapter three, verse 14. God said to Moses I am who I am. And he said say this to the people of Israel that the I am has sent me to you. In other words, this was Moses. First 40 years in Moses' life, he was in Egypt. Second 40 years of Moses' life he was in Midian. This is the end of his second 40 years and the beginning of his third 40 years.

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God came to him at the age of 80. And God said Moses, you don't know me, but here I am and I'm gonna save you and I'm gonna call you to lead my people out of slavery in Egypt, through the wilderness and into the promised land. And Moses said God, I don't know who you are and obviously you don't know who I am, because nobody would ever call me to do something as huge as that. And God said I'm not calling you because of who you are, I'm calling you because of who I am. And Moses said I'm not calling you because of who you are, I'm calling you because of who I am. And Moses said who are you? Who do I tell them that you are? When I go to Israel and say follow me? When I go to Pharaoh and I say, let him go, who do I tell them.

Speaker 1:

And God said just tell him that I am, the I am, and the I am has sent me to you. Do you know what I am means? The I am means that God is eternal. In the Hebrew, I am could be translated I have been or I am or I will be. That God is eternal, he is the God of yesterday and today and tomorrow, that God has existed all the way into eternity past and that God will always exist all the way into eternity future. There has never been a time that God did not exist, which means that you can trust him because he's always been there. And not only has he always been there, he's always been there for you.

Speaker 1:

If you believe that, say yeah, we see that God, not only is he eternal, but God is also self-existent, which means that he does not depend on anything or anyone else in order to exist. Like I do, like you do, I think about my kids, right, I think about my kids and they would not be alive if it was not for me, but mostly my wife. Because what is the name of the game of parenting? It's not thriving, it's surviving. Can I get an amen? Like you're? Just keeping them alive is all you're doing, but God is self-existent. God doesn't find life in anything or in anyone else. God himself is life. He's self-existent and you can believe. Also, the I am means that God is unchanging, which means he's consistent, which means God is not moody and God is not Judy Attitudy. Can I get an amen Like God doesn't have bad days and he doesn't have good days, but God is always the same. God is who he is, yesterday, today and forever. In fact, god told Moses in Exodus 3, this is to be my name forever and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations in this way. So could it be that Jesus gave his I am statements to fulfill that passage of scripture that forever God would be known as the I am, because Jesus came on the scene saying that he is the I am.

Speaker 1:

In John, chapter eight, verse 58, jesus said to them this is Jesus talking to the Pharisees, or the religious people of the day, the people that did not believe in Jesus, but they just wanted religion in their life. Jesus said to them truly, truly, I say to you before Abraham was I. Am you ever heard someone say that Jesus never really called himself God in the Bible? This is Jesus not just saying that he's God. This is Jesus saying that he is the God who also showed up to Moses at the burning bush, calling him to go and free the Israelites from slavery. In other words, jesus is saying I am the eternal, unchanging, self-existent God. In the very next verse, because the Jews understood what he was saying. I am the eternal, unchanging, self-existent God. In the very next verse, because the Jews understood what he was saying. The very next verse, they were picking up stones to stone him for blasphemy.

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Or my favorite, john, chapter 18, verse four through six. This is when Judas had gotten a band of soldiers and Jewish warriors and council people and they came to arrest Jesus. He said they came with weapons and torches and all these type things. And they came and it says then Jesus, knowing all that was about to happen to him, as they came to Jesus, jesus just boldly stepped forward to them and he said who are you looking for? Whom do you seek? They answered him and they said we're looking for Jesus of Nazareth. And Jesus said to them I am he. Judas who betrayed him, was standing there with those people and I love this. And when Jesus said to them I am he, they all, the soldiers and these religious people, those who are coming to overpower and arrest Jesus. The Bible says that they all drew back and they fell to the ground. Why? Because we, in that passage, get to see the power of the I am of Jesus. If you see it, say yeah, we get to see the power of the I am of Jesus. So when I read these I am statements to you, just know that these are Jesus's declarations of who he is and what he promises to do and what he promises to be in your life. Jesus is saying these are powerful enough to give you life and to answer the second, the seven biggest needs of your life. Here we go. Jesus said I am the light of the world. Everybody say light. He said I'm the light of the world, verse 12. And again Jesus spoke to them saying I am the light of the world, whoever 12. And again Jesus spoke to them saying I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light. Everybody say light, but will have the light of life.

Speaker 1:

I wonder if you're coming here today and maybe you're someone that you feel like, that you're stuck in darkness, maybe you feel like you're battling sin, battling depression. Maybe you feel really confused in darkness. Maybe you feel like you're battling sin, battling depression. Maybe you feel really confused in life. Maybe you feel like you're facing uncertainty, you're feeling lost, you're unsure about the future. Maybe you feel trapped in guilt or in shame. Maybe you feel trapped in the darkness today of addiction and you just can't break it. You just can't get out of it and you feel all of that anxiety or even suicidal in your life. And you just can't break it. You just can't get out of it and you feel all of that anxiety or even suicidal in your life. And you are wondering how do I get answers, how do I get clarity? How do I get out of this? How do I escape my darkness, the darkness of our life?

Speaker 1:

I need you to hear me say that Jesus is not only saying that he is the light of the world. He's also saying that he is the only one who can lead you out of your darkness. He's the only one who can lead you out of your darkness. Who is he saying this to?

Speaker 1:

There was a woman in that day who was known as an adulterous woman, possibly the most adulterous woman of that town of that city that everybody knew about. And finally the Pharisees, the religious people, caught her and they got her and they were all going to stone her because they felt like they were so righteous that they had the right to stone her in front of everyone because of her sin. And Jesus, out of his love, swooped in and Jesus walked over and he stopped them and he said whoever is without sin, let him be the one to cast the first stone. They all dropped their stones and they left. Why? Because Jesus came in as the light of the world and he stepped into her darkness, just like he stepped into your darkness, just like he stepped into my darkness, so that he could be your light and my light and our light.

Speaker 1:

Put your hands together for Jesus, as he is the light of the world. So I would encourage you. What do you do about this? You ask Jesus to be your light. Jesus, would you shine your light on the darkness of my life? Whatever that situation looks like for you? You call on Jesus and you ask him to shine his light into your darkness.

Speaker 1:

Secondly, jesus said I am the door. Everyone say door John 10, nine. Jesus said I am the door. Everyone say door. John 10, nine. Jesus said I'm the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. Who is he speaking to? Maybe you're here this morning and you've come and you just feel rejected. Or maybe in your life you've never fully felt accepted by anyone, wherever you go. Maybe you always feel like an outsider. Maybe you don't typically feel welcomed or wanted or invited. Or maybe you're someone here and you've tried so many paths, other religions. Maybe you've tried self-help, maybe you have even tried success, but you still feel lost and Jesus is saying to you that he is your door.

Speaker 1:

Back then the shepherds would be called a door, would be called a gate, because when they would take their sheep out and they would be wandering the wilderness for they would be grazing the pastures or trying to find water and literally when the sheep would stop and they would gather them all together, the shepherd would put them back against a rock or back against a tree or whatever it might be, and the shepherd would sleep or rest in front of them so that wolves couldn't get in to the sheep and that sheep couldn't get out to the wolves. In other words, they called the shepherd, the door or the gate, and that's who Jesus is is. He is protecting you from Satan getting to you and he's protecting you from you getting to Satan. He's protecting sin to you. He's protecting you from sin from you and he is protecting you as your door. In other words, jesus is not just a door, he is the door door. In other words, jesus is not just a door, he is the door. He's the only door. He's the only door that opens up a relationship with God. He's the only door that opens up the way into the kingdom of God, the way into the kingdom of heaven, the way into eternal life, the way that you were created to live and I was created to live. And here's what Jesus is calling us to do, because he's the door. He's just asking us to continue to walk up to him, to continue to approach him, to continue to come to him, to continue to see him, as he is the only way for you to live the life that God has created you to live.

Speaker 1:

Number three Jesus said I'm the way, I'm the truth and I'm the life. Everyone say life. He said I'm the way, I'm the truth and I'm the life. John 14, six Jesus said I'm the way, I'm the truth and I'm the life. And he said no one comes to the Father. Jesus said, except through me.

Speaker 1:

What gives Jesus the right to say that, out of all religions, out of all faiths, out of all ways to believe, out of all things to be a part of different religions, what gives Jesus the right to say that he is the only way, that he is the only truth, that he is the only life? I'll tell you why. Because Jesus is the only one who has stepped down out of heaven, who has taken on human flesh. Jesus is the only one who lived your life in your place, sinlessly and fully righteously. Jesus is the only one who went to the cross and he suffered and he bore your sin. The Bible says that he became your sin. The Bible says that he was humbled and he was humiliated. And the Bible says that he hung on the cross and he died for your sin. And the Bible says that he was humbled and he was humiliated. And the Bible says that he hung on the cross and he died for your sin. And he died for my sin. He was put in a grave for three days and he rose from the dead three days later, he's the only one who was raised from the dead.

Speaker 1:

Put your hands together because Jesus is the way, he's the truth and he's the life. And he speaks this to people that maybe you've come here today and you're just struggling in your life with just doubt or skepticism, or maybe just spiritual confusion. Maybe you wonder am I really on the right path, on the real path to experience God? Maybe you feel lost in the chaos of different worldviews and religions and faiths. Maybe you come today as a person struggling what to believe and how to live. Maybe you just noticed that our world is full of self-help and self-discovery and self-improvement, but you notice that Jesus just doesn't say that he is a way and he doesn't call you to find your own way, and he doesn't even ask you to find your way to him. But Jesus says that he is the way, jesus says that he is the truth and Jesus says that he is the life and that no one comes to the Father who is God, the Father but through Jesus. And so here's what I would encourage you to do today with this is just call on Jesus and just talk to him and say Jesus, I believe that you are my way, jesus, I believe that you are my way, jesus. I believe that you are the truth, jesus. I believe that you are my life, and there are oftentimes in my life that I need to confess to Jesus. Say, jesus, I'm sorry for the times that I live my own way, that I don't believe your truth and that I don't live your life. Number four very quickly, jesus said I'm the good shepherd.

Speaker 1:

John 10, 11,. He said I am the good shepherd. He said the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. Aren't you thankful? Aren't you thankful that Jesus gave his life for you before he asked you to give your life to him, that Jesus gave your life for you before he asked you to give your life to him? Aren't you thankful that Jesus loves you enough that he would lay his life down for you? That asked you to give your life to him? Aren't you thankful that Jesus loves you enough that he would lay his life down for you? That is Jesus dying for your sin. John 10, 14,. He said I am the good shepherd, I know my own and they know me.

Speaker 1:

In other words, maybe you're here today and you have felt abandoned in your life, or maybe before, you have felt betrayed, or maybe you've felt loneliness, maybe you're struggling with trust issues or maybe even wondering does God really care? Maybe you feel unworthy because of the mistakes that you have made, maybe you're just going through a major life decision and I think that there is something so critical in our life just to call on Jesus as our good shepherd and to say Jesus, I just need you to love me right now, jesus. I need you to protect me right now, jesus. I need you to empower me right now, jesus. I need you to provide for me right now, jesus. I need your care right now, jesus. I believe this in Jesus. I need it in my life, right here, right now.

Speaker 1:

Number five Jesus said I am the bread of life. Everyone say bread. Jesus said I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever and if the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh, in other words, jesus is speaking to those of us, as I have felt this way in your life, and I'm sure you have too that you feel empty, unfulfilled, dissatisfied with life, maybe chasing success, chasing romantic relationships, chasing material possessions and still feeling like there's something more, never having enough. Maybe you've come today and you're struggling with addiction, constantly searching for something to fill that hole, to fill that void in your life. Maybe you just feel spiritually dry or just simply distant from God. And Jesus is saying I'm your bread. Jesus is saying I'm your spiritual nourishment.

Speaker 1:

Back then bread was the main staple of all their food. They didn't have all the grocery stores and all the restaurants and all the different options like we have today. They would typically eat a few fruits and a few vegetables and a lot of bread for their sustenance. And Jesus is saying I am all that you need. Jesus is saying it's not gonna be the drink, it's not gonna be the drug, it's not gonna be the romance, it's not gonna be the money, it's not gonna be the success, it's not gonna be anything that's going to satisfy you. He said you're gonna try it all your life and you're gonna come down to the end of your life empty, because I'm the only one that can fulfill and I can satisfy the soul that I've created within you, that can only be filled by me. Jesus is saying that he is the bread of life.

Speaker 1:

Number six Jesus saying that I am the vine. Everyone say vine. John 15 one says I am the true vine. Jesus said and my father is the vine dresser. John 15, five. Jesus said I am the true vine. Jesus said and my father is the vine dresser. John 15, 5,.

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Jesus said I am the vine and you, speaking about us, his disciples, you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, it is he that bears much fruit. For apart from me, you can do nothing. Maybe you come here this morning and you just feel burnt out, disconnected, spiritually weak, struggling in your faith, feeling far from God, trying to do on your own, but you feel exhausted. Maybe you just want to go deeper and deeper and deeper, but you just feel like you can't. Jesus is saying the only way that you can be empowered to truly live this life, for everything that you are going through, and yet still to bear fruit, even through the difficulty, even through the suffering, even through the struggling, even through the hurt, even through the doubt. Jesus is saying you're the branch, I'm the vine. Stay connected to me, stay in my word, stay in prayer to me, because Jesus is saying even through all of the craziness, I still wanna bear fruit through you, I still want to empower you. I still want you to experience me and I want you to minister to others on my behalf and for my name.

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And last number seven. Jesus said I am the resurrection and the life. Everyone say resurrection. Jesus is the resurrection and the life. John 11, 25. Jesus said to her I'm the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die yet, he shall live. He's talking to Martha and Mary. Lazarus had just died. Jesus is there at the tomb. And then Jesus says Lazarus, come forth. And he came forth and he was really dead. And the way we know he was really dead was they actually said man, he stinks, he comes walking out of the grave. Man, he stinks. And Jesus literally raised him to life. Just like Jesus alone can raise you from the dead the day that you die, who else can do that for you? Who else has promised that for you? Only Jesus is the resurrection and the life.

Speaker 1:

Are you coming here today and you're wondering what happens after you die? Are you trying to fit everything into this life because you feel like this is your only shot? Have you lost a loved one and you feel like you'll never see him again? Are you facing a disease that you're seeing the end of your life approach. Jesus is speaking to you this morning and Jesus is saying I am your resurrection and I am your life, and I want you to see all of this put together. I've actually never seen it put in this order before, but this is just the order that God gave me for you today. I want you to see this. I want you to ask yourself, as this is the beginning of our life, that Jesus gives us light to be able to see him and to see the way all the way through becoming our door. Then he becomes the way, the truth and the life. Jesus becomes our good shepherd, and then Jesus satisfies us, and then Jesus empowers us through spiritual fruitfulness, and then Jesus assures us that he is our resurrection and our life.

Speaker 1:

My question for you is this where are you on this trajectory of life? What is Jesus? Which one is Jesus saying to you today? Which one is he saying to you today? Because he's your great I am. Jesus fulfills every need. He fulfills every desire, need. He fulfills every desire. He is your and he is my. Everything. He is the I am. But I also want to ask another question who you know in your life? What names would you put to each of these that Jesus could use you to go and tell them that he is exactly what they've been looking for? And who is it that you could minister to and who is it that you could witness to?

Speaker 1:

Because these seven I am statements are what our entire life is built off of, the foundation of our life. Just like I told you earlier, seven, there are only seven, musical notes, that every song, every symphony, every concert, all the way from Amazing Grace to Handel's Messiah, to the sound of music, to rock and roll, country music, pop music, hip hop and soul, even just right now, I want you to hear just these seven musical notes, that every song is built off of this musical scale that the band's just going to play for you right now, as God designed music and every song is built off of just seven notes. Your life is built off of seven statements that Jesus has made. I'm going to ask you just to bow your heads and close your eyes and the band continues to play. And wherever it is in your life, and the band continues to play Wherever it is in your life, I just want you to tell Jesus Jesus, I believe that you are my light of the world, my door, my way, my truth, my life.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, you're my good shepherd. Jesus, you're my bread of life. Jesus, you're my vine. Jesus, you're my resurrection and you, you're my resurrection and you're my life. Maybe you're here this morning and you've never really, truly fully given your life to him. Right here, right now, I wanna give you that opportunity. I can't pray this for you and I can't save you, but I wanna help you through this prayer that you can pray to God, and God promises that he'll on the cross for my sins and I ask you to forgive me of all my sin. And God, I believe that Jesus rose from the dead and rose again from the dead, and I ask you to forgive me of all my sins and I ask you to forgive me of all my sins. And I ask you to forgive me of all my sins. And I ask you to forgive me of all my sins and I ask you to on the cross for my sins and I ask you to forgive me of all my sin. And God, I believe that Jesus rose from the dead and he's alive and I give my life to him. I follow him with my life, and the Bible says if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe with your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. So, right here, right now, call on Jesus to be your Lord, your God, your Savior, your everything. He is your great. I am God. We thank you for that truth. We thank you for this promise of salvation, god, we believe it and we pray these things in Jesus' name, and all God's people said Amen.

Speaker 1:

Would you put your hands together for anybody that prayed that prayer that gave their life to Jesus? Today we just want to say welcome to the family, welcome home. We believe that God saved you and there is right now, on the back of the chair in front of you. There's a next step card. I would encourage you just to grab that. Fill it out With. There's a next step card. I would encourage you just to grab that. Fill it out with any decision that you have to make. Maybe you want to give your life to Jesus. Maybe you need to get baptized. Maybe God is calling you to make any other of those decisions. You can do that on the card. You can come and hand it to me or take it to our next step station or put it in any of our black boxes around here. We just want to help you in your walk with Jesus. Can we stand together? We're gonna pray one more time before we worship him together. Let's pray right now.

Speaker 1:

Heavenly Father, we love you, jesus. We thank you that you are our great I am, jesus. Thank you that you are the light of the world, jesus. Thank you that you're our door, jesus. Thank you that you're our way, our truth and our life, jesus. Thank you that you're our bread, jesus. Thank you that you're our good shepherd, our vine, jesus. You are the resurrection and the life. We give you all of the glory. We believe in the power of you being the great I am. We believe that that changes our lives forever. It is the foundation of our life every single day, and we pray that we would believe in you in that way and that we would tell others about you as well. Jesus, we love you. We sing to you In Jesus' name. We pray. Let's sing to him together.